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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Early pumpkins? Never...

I miss pumpkin pie, Apple crisp, and maple syrup atop buckwheat pancakes. Nostalgia? Maybe. The coming of fall, my favorite season? Definitely. Whatever the cause all I can think of between tests and college work is Apple picking, Halloween, and thanksgiving. So here's my attempt at impromptu pocket pies. They're not exactly the proper shape or consistency of good pre but they hit the spot as I explore the idea of a shared kitchen...

Mini pies of pumpkin
For the filing I used simple pumpkin puree, an egg, sugar, and cinnamon to taste. The crust was 1 cup flour to 1 tbsp flax meal, pinch of salt, and 1/3 cup sugar.
I learned you need butter in crust more than anything.
Oh well, consistency side my mini press tasted good!

Enjoy the fall yall

Thursday, September 22, 2011

When it rains...

Recipes and baked goods don't necessarily pour forth. As I don't really have the time or kitchen space I once enjoyed, in college reading days have been spent working, in class, or at the gym. I guess when there's so much soft serve to be had, it's the gym and fewer cookies... Anyways I invented impromptu poor college kid cookies I wanted to share- they need work... Oh, and my campus farmer's market too! Enjoy!the

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Too Long...

Kind of like the Daft Punk song... But totally unrelated.
It's been too long since posting to this blog. Life's been wild - in the best sense. Moving into college, visiting New York City for a few days before, and cooking up a storm the day before leaving for it all, I've been going in every direction.
On the subject of college, first off, life is good. I love it here - the food isn't bad but the people are quality. I'll save the food puns; never have I had so much optimism for my future. Life is good and for the taking.

So, just to post a few images of passion and motivation, here are a few shots of my latest (sadly probably for a while) endeavors.

You see, my friends and I decided to hold a formal dinner on the Monday before we all began our treks across the northeast. Personally I took a shot at some new breads, homemade Chard Ravioli, Panna Cotta, and a simple salad. My good friend made a brisket for the carnivores, a great curry soup, accompaniments, and an impressive Tiramisu. Some other desserts made their way in, all good. It was a stressful but enormously enjoyable evening. My how I'll miss my new friends but luckily college has proved quite welcoming. And the salad bar has helped to alleviate the pangs for seitan, tofu, and garden fresh vegetables.

Sadly, all I photographed were my baking efforts, so here those are. The ravioli and panna cotta needed work anyways...
Squishy bread...Mmmmm
A few shots of Olive Oil-Walnut Loaf. What a bread for breakfast...
Sour Rye loaf - great with some olive oil.

Oh and here are a few of the muffins I baked too - Apple ginger. They were strong, but not bad with a spot of jam.
Enjoi! Life always has more to offer than what meets the eye.